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Amped Wireless? High Power AC2550 Router with MU-MIMO (RTA2550) A894271roduct details have been supplied by the Manufacturer,.Product OverviewHigh Power AC2550 Wi-Fi RouterThe RTA2550 is the ultimate router for the multi-device household. Built with a 1.4GHz Qualcomm? Dual Core Processor, 16 high power amplifiers, and 4 high gain antennas, the RTA2550 delivers unmatched Wi-Fi performance. It is equipped to provide unprecedented coverage, speed, and reliability for the most demanding networks with many connected devices. Extremely fast AC2550 Wi-Fi technology provides up to 2.53Gbps, making lag and buffering a thing of the past for everyone.3 The RTA2550 also features cutting edge MU-MIMO technology that enables multiple devices to receive data at once, granting uninterrupted streaming for all.2How does MU-MIMO Technology work? Say you have a traditional network with 3 devices and they are all downloading data at the same time. Device 2 will have to wait for Device 1 to finish receiving data from the router before it can receive its own data, then Device 3 must wait until Device 2 gets data before it will receive its data. The RTA2550 with MU-MIMO, on the other hand, will allow all 3 devices to receive data at once. This means increased Wi-Fi speeds and overall better performance for all connecting devices.2
Key Features
Maximum Wi-Fi Range
High Power Wi-Fi for whole home or whole office coverage
16 Powerful Amplifiers & 4 Antennas
樂天市場購物Amplify Wi-Fi to the max with advanced amplifiers and 4 antennas
Multi User MIMO
日本樂天Deliver data to multiple devices at once for a boost in performance and up to 3X more speed2
Unmatched AC2550 Wi-Fi Speeds
Move faster than ever with speeds up to 2.53Gbps: 2.4GHz 800Mbps + 5GHz 1733Mbps3
4 Simultaneous Wi-Fi Streams
Delivers the fastest speeds for maximum performance and connection reliability
High Power Qualcomm? Processor
A 1.4GHz dual core processor handles heavy traffic with ease, for the best Wi-Fi experienceAdvanced Security Features
Adjust the coverage of your network, block websites and utilize SPI Firewall
Beamforming Technology
Strengthen Wi-Fi connections with focused Wi-Fi streams for each connected device
Ultimate Gaming, HD & 4K
Seamlessly stream HD and 4K content to multiple devices and eliminate gaming lag
Bandwidth Optimization
Prioritize bandwidth for specific applications, networks and devices on your network
Share Files with USB
Attach a USB drive and instantly share files at blazing-fast speeds, locally or remotely*
*USB drive sold separately1 Range specifications are based on performance test results. Actual performance may vary due to differences in operating environments, building materials and wireless obstructions. Performance may increase or decrease over the stated specification. Wireless coverage claims are used only as a reference and are not guaranteed as each wireless network is uniquely different. Maximum wireless signal rate derived from IEEE 802.11 standard specifications. Actual data throughput may vary as a result of network conditions and environmental factors. Output power specifications are based on the maximum possible radio output power plus antenna gain. May not work with non-standard Wi-Fi devices such as those with proprietary software or drivers. Supports all Wi-Fi standards that are compatible or backwards compatible with 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi standards.
2 For MU-MIMO to work, additional MU-MIMO capable devices must be connected to the network. To achieve the 'up to 3X' data rate increase, three or more 1x1 MU-MIMO devices are needed with optimal network environment conditions.
3 All transmission rates listed, for example 800Mbps for 2.4GHz and 1733Mbps for 5GHz, are the physical data rates. Actual data throughput will be lower and may depend on external factors as well as the combination of devices connected to the router. AC2550 wireless speeds are achieved when connecting to other AC2550 capable devices.
Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi Protected Setup, and WPA2 are either registered trademarks or trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance. Qualcomm is a trademark of QUALCOMM Incorporated, registered in the United States and other countries. Qualcomm MU|EFX and Qualcomm Internet Processor (IPQ) are products of Qualcomm Atheros, Inc.
High Power Router Comparison
There are no products currently available to compare.
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評價[105美國代購] Amped High Power AC2550 Router with MU-MIMO (RTA2550) A894271更便宜

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評價[105美國代購] Amped High Power AC2550 Router with MU-MIMO (RTA2550) A894271更便宜

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